Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.NewValue
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.NewValue


public class NewValue
extends Object
implements ImmediateAccess

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.NewValue(Object)
Constructor, creates a newValue object from an Object.

Method Index

 o addDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener)
 o getPresentationString()
 o getValueAsObject()
returns the value of the newValue as a Object.
 o getValueAsString()
returns the value of the newValue as a String.
 o removeDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener)


 o NewValue
public NewValue(Object value)
Constructor, creates a newValue object from an Object. This object contains a new array of objects.

value - the value of the newValue Object


 o addDataItemChangedListener
public synchronized void addDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener dcl)
 o getPresentationString
public java.lang.String getPresentationString()
 o getValueAsObject
public java.lang.Object getValueAsObject()
returns the value of the newValue as a Object.

the value of the Object
 o getValueAsString
public java.lang.String getValueAsString()
returns the value of the newValue as a String.

the value of the Object
 o removeDataItemChangedListener
public synchronized void removeDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener dcl)

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